年の瀬に京都へ行く機会があり、久しぶりに SOU・SOUへ立ち寄ってきました!
観光地は外国人だらけ⁉ でも、手ぬぐい屋さんはのんびりムード
久々の京都は、「ここは日本?それとも外国?」と錯覚するほど海外からの観光客で大にぎわい。特に有名な観光地はどこも人・人・人! でも、手ぬぐい屋さんは意外と落ち着いていて、ゆっくり買い物を楽しめました。
ここ数年で、やっぱり 手ぬぐいも値上がり しましたね~。さまざまな要因があるので仕方がないですが、手ぬぐいファンとしては「値上げしても、いいものは買う!」というスタンスでいたいところ。とはいえ、昔のように何枚もまとめ買い! というわけにはいかなくなりましたが、これからも少しずつ集めていきたいと思います。
ぱっと見、ヘビっぽさは控えめだけど、よく見ると ちゃんと舌もあって、目もある! 何より デザインがめちゃくちゃおしゃれ✨。
やっぱり 手ぬぐい集めはやめられない…! 💛
京都へ行く予定のある方は、ぜひ お気に入りの一枚 を見つけてみてください♪
Since I have the opportunity, I hope to share Japan’s tenugui culture with people overseas as well. Some posts include English translations—automated for now, but I’d love to improve and write them myself someday.
A Stylish Year of the Snake Tenugui from My Year-End Trip to Kyoto!
At the end of the year, I had the chance to visit Kyoto and stopped by SOU・SOU for the first time in a while!
For tenugui lovers, Kyoto is truly a “tenugui paradise.” The moment I stepped into the store, I couldn’t contain my excitement!
Tourist Spots Packed with Foreign Visitors, but a Relaxing Atmosphere at the Tenugui Shop
Kyoto was bustling with so many foreign tourists that I almost felt like I was in another country.
Famous sightseeing spots were completely packed! But surprisingly, the tenugui shop was much quieter, allowing me to take my time and enjoy shopping.
Tenugui Prices Have Gone Up… But I Still Want Them!
Over the past few years, tenugui have also gone up in price. It’s understandable, given various factors, but as a dedicated tenugui fan, my philosophy is:
“Even if prices rise, I’ll still buy good tenugui!”
That said, I can’t go on tenugui shopping sprees like I used to. Instead, I’ll continue collecting them little by little.
The 2025 Year of the Snake Tenugui—Absolutely Stylish!
This time, I picked up a tenugui featuring the 2025 (Reiwa 7) zodiac animal, the snake.
At first glance, it doesn’t look overly snake-like, but if you look closely, you’ll see a tongue and eyes! And above all, the design is just so stylish! ✨
Finding a beautiful tenugui like this always gets me excited!
This is exactly why I can’t stop collecting tenugui 💛
If you’re planning a trip to Kyoto, be sure to find your own favorite piece! 😊